Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Why Do the Days Move So Quickly?

When we were young (pre-children) it felt like a week took forever to go by.  Going to work was something we did to pay for rent and booze and because that's what "grown ups" do in between weekends of drinking with our friends.  But our REAL lives took place from Friday at 5pm to Sunday at midnight.  And months?  Years?  That's forever from now!  Planning ahead was spending enough of my meager paycheck on food before it went to beer and pizza.  I'm still shocked that I could live off of peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwiches for weeks at a time.  Incidentally, my hips are not shocked - they have fond memories of delicious fluffernutter sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

But now - now that I'm a GROWN UP (no laughing), it feels like the days just fly by.  And it's all the stupid little things that make them go so fast - it's not even the good things.  Forgot to take the books back to the library - again - woosh, 3 days went by.  Keep meaning to make a check up appointment with the dentist - woosh - that was two weeks ago.  Cook that steak that's in the freezer before it goes wonky - woosh - IS that steak?  I can't see through the ice on it.

How did life speed up on me?  Is it just me?  Am I so disorganized that everyone else is running by while I'm still trying to find my left sneaker?  I look at all these "this is how you get organized" websites and I just groan and grit my teeth.  Who does that crap??  Who are these Martha Stewart fembots who seriously make a magnet reminder and chore board complete with backpack hook and personalized wall art for each child??  Are they on meth?  Ritalin?  Free-basing Starbucks?

Admit it - some of you pinned that and commented, "Totally doing this!"  No.  No you're not.  You're not going to ever do that because you don't have time, no one has time.  And if you miracled up some time somewhere (6 Starbucks and a hot glue gun later) it would only look like the pretty picture for the first day and then your kids would pile their crap under it and the magnet boards would either be empty (see bottom of backpack for important school notes that you missed) or so crowded with stuff that you forgot to go to, turn in, fill out or sign up for that you'd never see any chores that you would forget you gave to your kids after the first week anyway.  Hey - we live in this insane, disorganized place, it's called REALITY.   It's fine - no one really needs a backpack hook anyway.  That's what doorknobs are for.

I mean, I'm pretty crafty.  And I can costume like nobody's business.  But my husband would say I'm a trash collector who occasionally makes something useful out of the pre-used piles of "someday projects" that fill my totes, closets, shelves and garage.  In fact, he told me that I was grounded from Pinterest.  Enh - what he doesn't know won't hurt him!  And I'm pretty sure that he really wants a CD holder made from old flower pots or coffee cans or if I could just find an hour to MAKE it.  Once again tho - IF I did make it, I would be so proud and we'd use it for a week then it would collect odds and ends from our disorganized lives and become trash again.

What was I talking about?  Oh yeah - time.  Darn Pinterest making me swerve to a crafting topic - see! Never enough time to finish anything.

Feel free to follow me on Pinterest though!

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